This web log was created to keep you up to date with the athletic pursuits of Blake Boldon. It will be updated regularly with competition schedules, results, and photos.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Past Cross Country Results

When I finished my collegiate cross country eligible and the Midwest Regional Meet in 2001 at Southern Illinois University, I remember swearing that I would never run cross country again. I have gone back on that promise five times since college. After each of those races I made myself the same promise and I'm definitely of that frame of mind right now. Although I'm really disappointed with how things went I am tired and sore so I know that it was a good effort. I know that I'm fit but the 12k on mud and hills definitely didn't fit my natural abilities. In looking at my last five cross country results I feel like my race on Saturday was the best cross country run of my career. It doesn't provide much solace but the realization does help remind me that this one result won't determine the rest of the season. Here's a look at my past cross country results: 2/7/09 - US XC Championships (12k) - 29th place, 38:27 (2:21 behind winner) 2/18/06 - US XC Championships (4k) - 23rd place, 11:37 (:47 behind winner) 3/5/06 - Ras na hEireann International Cross Country, County Louth, Ireland - 10th place, 18:46 (:44 behind winner) 12/4/04 - US Club XC Championships (10k) 82nd place, 35:01.75 (2:17 behind winner) 12/7/03 - US Club XC Championships (10k) 42nd place, 32:18.8 (2:05 behind winner)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the first race Blake! I'm amazed at the training you've been able to put in. It's inspiring and motivating to me. Keep up the great work. Thanks for the update. -JP

10:44 PM


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